Just as many of Linda's clients don't realise their issues have their roots in unresolved trauma, Linda also never recognised that her life was steeped in trauma.
Even at a very young age, she knew deep within herself that the family violence in her home wasn't okay, she still normalised her experiences. Then, when her second child was diagnosed with a rare childhood cancer at the age of 6 months, she felt she was not prepared to deal with what was ahead. Instead, she discovered she was very well prepared because she had been dealing with trauma all her life. She just didn't know it!
When she started her studies in Gestalt Psychotherapy, it all began to unravel and reveal the trauma. Even though the trauma was over, she could see how it was still playing out in her life.
Over the four years of her Master of Gestalt Psychotherapy, she did 80 hours of her own personal therapy. She believes it is so important when you start your inner work, see it as a continuing journey, not a destination to get to.
Linda shares her experiences of UNnecessary trauma within our systems with the intention of bringing to light the difference between well resourced and under resourced people working within these systems.
This book is essential for individuals and for all who work in our systems. Linda weaves her lived experiences of UNnecessary trauma throughout the book highlighting the difference between a healing experience and a harmful experience.